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To clarify, when I use the word “disclosure” I am specifically talking about new information that is coming from first hand “legalized” whistleblowers who are at risk of criminal prosecution and jail time if they lie.
If you read my full description of the UFO/ET phenomenon below you will note that these disclosures now are primarily about the physical objects (UFOs) and some tantalizing hints about consciousness and spirituality concepts.
However, over the decades there has been a lot of evidence documenting all aspects of the phenomenon, some of which I would agree is unsupportable nonsense and some which is very compelling. First hand “legalized” whistleblower disclosure of these other aspects of the phenomenon will take a long time to come out.
Most followers of disclosure assumed that it would come from various government and aerospace sources including disclosing actual crashed UFOs, living or dead ET bodies, and reengineering attempts. With Jake Barber he has turned this on its head because he is going to be documenting the actual summoning of and hopefully landing of a real UFO. He is doing this as a private company with nothing at all to do with the government or aerospace contractors. Having said that, he does have members of the government AARO (All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office) task force watching him and he has a well known highly credible scientist, Dr Garry Nolan, working with him. He has already recorded in August 2024 the team’s ability to attract UFOs and is working for more close up and detailed sensor data disclosure of UFOs. He expects to have this more detailed and comprehensive evidence in a few weeks!
As part of Barber’s team he has two psionic assets (ie people) who have now given their own evidence about how they do their work and what they can accomplish (ie. “I can summon them every time”). As I have said before, and personally experienced, Steven Greer’s CE5 process does exactly the same thing. There is also increasing disclosure happening now about Chris Bledsoe who has literally thousands of videos on his Instagram page going back to 2012 showing how he summons numerous glowing orb UFOs at will by using prayer (a very similar process to meditation). He is so famous now that he is invited to various events and gatherings and he is able to virtually every time summon these same light orbs. It is his belief that the orbs contain angelic beings along with more traditional looking ETs.
So now we have three verifiable sources, namely Barber, Greer and Bledsoe, showing how by using mental telepathy (including prayer/meditation) we can summon UFOs to appear before us.
However, there is a very dark side to what Barber was doing when he worked for the aerospace contractor in the “legacy program” (the rogue part of the military industrial complex). They were using psionics to summon UFOs so that directed EMP energy weapons would cause the UFO’s electro-magnetic anti-gravity system to fail and they would fall to the ground. That is when Barber picked them up in his helicopter for transport to underground bunkers in the desert range in California. This only happened at this range once or twice a year, but after many decades that is a lot.
See Barber “Skywatch” video which explains what he is doing and has interviews with the psionic assets.
If you have not explored this phenomenon on your own you may be thinking - Ok, this is all about other advanced civilizations living on other planets who have visited the earth. Pretty simple, beings coming to the earth in their craft and maybe we have concrete proof of that now. So what? We are not alone but isn’t this just like explorers in sailing ships travelling around the world to discover other human cultures that we didn’t know exist?
At a simple level it is similar, except that the other cultures that these explorers found were human. The other cultures thought that the sailing ships were amazing technology.
Once you get past this simple analogy your own credulity will be severely challenged by how I describe a “full version” of what this phenomenon implies about - literally everything that we think about what “reality” is.
So be prepared to have your own perceptions of reality be severely challenged.
In previous updates and on my website I have described parts of this phenomenon. It is very complicated and intertwined with a lot of other phenomena that includes religious, spiritual and paranormal aspects.
In describing this phenomenon it does not mean that I agree or believe in all of it. My belief is described by the “New Reality” which is the theme that I use in my newsletters and website. What I believe is described on my website under the “Evidence” web page.
I am describing below a “bottom up” description of this phenomenon which has the following “layers”:
Now, to come full circle, here is a general description from the “top down”:
In case you think that I am just making this up, believe me, I am not this creative. I have read many books about the overlaps of the phenomenon with these other spiritual issues.
The latest credible disclosure is from Jake Barber who is a first hand witness to the recovery of UFOs, consciousness connection to the UFO/ET phenomenon and other related experiences. At the time Barber was actually working for a secret “legacy program” aerospace contractor. Legacy program is the mixture of certain military and aerospace contractors who have been secretly working on UFOs for decades.
Personally, I and many others who follow Steven Greer, who is the most detailed researcher about the phenomenon and disclosure activities, have known over the last two years that this was potentially coming out.
I have personal experience with two of the claims made by Barber.
The first claim is about the use of people, called psionics, who have more advanced mental telepathy capabilities than the average person, although we all have the ability to further develop these skills.
Psionics use meditation practices along with technology devices to amplify the ability to telepathically connect with UFO/ETs through the field of consciousness.
Greer developed a process in the 1990s called CE5 standing for “close encounters of the fifth kind” whereby we engage telepathically with ETs and, under the right conditions, ask them to visit and appear before us.
As I became more involved in researching this phenomenon, my wife and I decided to go to a CE5 event in California in July 2024 along with 500 other people to experience the CE5 process first hand, spending two days training for evening sessions where we participated in CE5. In short, the CE5 process works and UFOs do appear. There are lots of videos of CE5 events around the world where many people have experienced this including, in some cases, photographs of ET beings appearing among the group.
Greer’s CE5 process uses a 90 minute plus meditation protocol to create the telepathic environment that connects with UFOs. I have been a life long meditator so I found this to be an easy process. So I have personally experienced the ability with a group to connect with UFOs just as Barber’s psionics do.
The second claim that I have personal experience with relates to Barber’s recovery of an octagonal UFO and subsequent interactions with whistleblower, Michael Herrera. Herrera appeared at Greer’s July 2023 press conference in Washington DC (I watched it live streaming). Barber also attended this press conference with the objective of “spying” on whistleblowers on behalf of the secret legacy program. However, when he heard Herrera’s story he realized that the same kind of UFO that he experienced was involved and Barber had more information than Herrera had about what was in the boxes that were being loaded by unofficial ( ie unidentified) paramilitary soldiers into the UFO. He immediately went to Greer and Herrera during the press conference to share his inside information. This experience along with his misgivings about being involved with the secret legacy program caused Barber to turn into a whistleblower.
My connection with Herrera besides knowing the details about his 2009 UFO experience including a very close murder attempt was when my wife and I met him at the July 2024 CE5 event. He is now the head of personal security for Greer which he does for free because of how Greer handled his whistleblower testimony process to Congress. This whistleblower process is intimidating and fraught with personal security risks. We were able to ask him many questions about his 2009 UFO experience and security work that he is doing for Greer. He also indicated that a criminal investigation is underway about the attempts on his life.
When Barber disclosed both the psionic and Herrera experiences (just in the last week) I was left shaken by this and still am. So for someone who had a hobby and interest in science fiction and enjoyed UFO stories in the past, I progressed to an 80% believer when the three UFO videos were released by the Pentagon in December 2017, to a 90% believer when Grusch and Elizondo whistleblower testimony came out in 2023 and 2024, to now a 100% believer with Barber in 2025.
And yet …. most of you have heard nothing about this!!
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